
The Joy Luck Club
Amy Tan著


“The Joy Luck Club” is a deeply moving novel written by Amy Tan that explores the complex and intricate relationships between four Chinese immigrant women (Suyuan Woo, An-Mei Hsu, Lindo Jong and Ying-ying) and their American-born daughters (June, Rose, Waverly and Lena). It looks into the topics of cultural identity, mother-daughter relationships and the struggle to bridge the gap between generations and cultures.

The story basically revolves around the conflicts between mothers and daughters due to the generation gap. The four mothers all grew up during the war years, but all of them had a turning point in their lives and went to live in the United States because of chance. They did not know how to speak fluent English, but they hoped that their daughters could succeed and be happy in the United States. This strong desire had created conflicts with their daughters who grew up in American culture.

In fact, the relationship between mothers and daughters is a complex and often intense bond that can be both beautiful and challenging. It is a relationship that formed at birth and lasts a lifetime, but it is not always an easy relationship to navigate.

One of the difficulties is that mothers may have their own expectations and dreams for their daughters. They want their daughters to be happy and successful, but they may also have their own ideas about what that looks like. On the contrary, daughters may not understand their mothers’ painstaking efforts and may not like to live up to their expectations, thus creating conflicts and tension with their mothers.

Despite these challenges, the special bond between mothers and daughters is undeniable. Mothers and daughters can support each other in times of need and through life’s ups and downs. As the book says “……a mother is never separated from her daughter. She is with me always, even when I bow to the ground.”  Hence, we should treasure the love of our mothers and cultivate and keep a strong relationship with them.

Apart from the mother and daughter relationship, we will learn the importance of empathy in studying others’ perspectives and motivations. Being able to understand others is crucial in building relationships and resolving conflicts. This is vital in all aspects of life. Hence, this book is well worth the investment of your time. Read it and you will gain a lot from it.