
The other side of the box
Richard Fairgray,Lucy Campagnolo著;Richard Fairgray圖


I believe the comic is a heartwarming and imaginative tale that celebrates the joys of childhood. It is not just a story. I would say that it encourages children to unleash their creativity and imagination with themes of friendship, exploration and self-discovery.

“The Other Side of the Box” is the first volume of the Cardbordia. The story centers around four children, Pokey, Mac, Masie and Bird, who stumbling upon mundane cardboard boxes that can quickly transform into a magical and fantasy of CardBoardia, made of paper and cardboard. Each box serves as a gateway to new adventures, allowing them to traverse different realms. But the presence of an evil threatens the beautiful paper paradise. The children with their special talent stop the destruction during their remarkable journey.

I find that the authors want to indicate the essence of imagination and creativity. They encourage readers to view the world through the lens of creativity, highlighting how simple cardboard boxes can inspire infinite possibilities. Besides, the authors would like to tell the importance of friendship. For instance, when Pokey was lost, they tried their best to find her. The bond among the children serves the heart of the story. As they navigate the various realms of Cardboardia, you will find that they learn to collaborate, share ideas and support one other.

One of the standout features of the comic is its stunning illustrations. Each page is filled with vibrant colors and visual feast. I particularly like the presentation for the introduction of four characters with separated short chapters. It took me to understand them more. The characters with unique traits, are well-designed to enhance their personalities.  E.g. Pokey living with her grandparents and older brother Max is very enthusiastic.

The comic is delightful and imaginative. With its engaging storyline and vibrant illustrations, you will be inspired with a fresh perspective on problem-solving and innovation. The comic offers valuable insights and encouragement so I recommend this comic to young readers.