
The weekend effect: the life-changing benefits of taking two days off
Katrina Onstad著


Work-life balance is important in our hectic life. In the light of society’s increasing attention on work-life balance, more employers have adopted a five-day work week to allow employees to enjoy two days off per week.

However, not so many people understand that having a rest is to prepare for a longer journey ahead. After a week of hard work, we need to unwind at weekends for re-energising ourselves to boost our efficiency for the coming work week. One of the major benefits of having two days off is that employees can have sufficient rest. They will feel more refreshed and work with greater satisfaction. Some studies show that reducing employees’ work schedules to a five-day work week does not affect their output. Moreover, a well-rested workforce will ultimately enhance productivity and creativity.

On workdays, we tend to be very busy and exhausted. Therefore, precious leisure time over the weekend should be spent wisely. This book tells you what a weekend is and gives a brief account of the history of lifestyle with weekends off. Readers can learn how to change their lifestyle to enjoy the benefits of having rest days after a busy working week. By doing so, workers can achieve greater success and become more focused, productive and healthier when they return to the workplaces.