
Practical English usage
Michael Swan著


Are you confused by the use of “Noun”, “Pronoun”, “Adjective”, “Adverb”, “Verb”, “Conjunctions” and “Prepositions”, etc.? Do you always make grammatical mistakes in English composition or English tests? How do you distinguish among “quite”, “pretty”, “rather” and “fairly”? What is the difference between the auxiliary verbs “can” and “could”; “may” and “might”? Michael Swan’s “Practical English Usage” is the perfect quick reference guide for you to find answers for all these questions.

The first edition of “Practical English Usage” in my hand was published in 1989 and the latest 4th edition was published in 2014. Over 30 years have passed since its first publication, the book has remained on the bookshelf of many fellow English learners. Highly trusted and recommended by English teachers, this book answers common questions about English grammar and vocabulary with easy-to-understand explanations and examples. Let me share with you some feature highlights of the book:

  •  Section-by-section with specific point of grammar on parts of speech, usage and style, conventional and exceptional cases, vocabulary etc. Just pick a section of your interest, read on and explore.
  • Clear explanations of English grammatical rules and easily confused words with examples quoted from daily life.
  • A-Z grammar guide and lists of useful English words/common phrases in one single book, which is handy for self-study.
  •  Language terminology and phonetic alphabets are appended to facilitate teaching and self-study.
“Practical English Usage” is suitable for all English learners with grammar explained from the basic to the more advanced levels. The A-Z guide to common word problems is an indispensable guide for correct usage. The book has been in my bookshelf for over 30 years and I expect it will be there for many years to come. I always turn to it whenever I come across any usage ambiguities. It gives me a sure sense of daily English usage and authoritative explanations, with comprehensive coverage from the basic to complex aspects of grammar and vocabulary. Highly recommend it if you are studying English or taking English examinations like TOEFL, IELTS and other English standard tests.