
How to make the best coffee at home
By James Hoffmann

Introduction by Librarian

I remember when I was 12 years old, I tasted my first cup of coffee. It was an iced coffee made with instant coffee and sugar. To this day, I still remember the taste of that coffee—its fragrant, sweet aroma and the smooth sensation as it touched my lips. It was at that moment that I fell in love with coffee and started on my coffee journey. When I grow up, I have begun my exploration of various coffee brewing methods, including siphon, French press, instant coffee, V60 pour-over, and coffee machines. Each method has its unique characteristics, but for me, coffee is simply categorized as either good or bad.

When I have a cup of coffee, it's a brief moment that allows me to forget about my heavy workload and relax my mind. In the past, I used to discover different coffee shops, savor a cup of specialty coffee, and spend an entire afternoon there. However, after becoming a mother, I no longer have the time to visit coffee shops. Being able to enjoy a cup of coffee at home during my busy schedule is already a source of happiness.

To learn how to brew a cup of coffee for yourself, I recommend you read this book. In this book, the author presents various knowledge required to make high-quality coffee at home, including: which equipment is worth buying and which is not; how to grind coffee; the brewing fundamentals of all major equipment such as coffee machines; understanding coffee beverages like cappuccino, latte, and espresso. By following the instructions in the book, you can enjoy the pleasure and deliciousness of brewing coffee at home, experiencing a different quality of life from your busy routine, especially on a holiday afternoon. I hope you find your own favorite flavor.