

Reading Activities /
Hong Kong Library Festival 2022
Our journey of arts and life begins with reading! Themed on “Joyful Reading with You for 60 Years”, the 4th Hong Kong Library Festival is bringing forth interactive multimedia exhibition, lifestyle talks, arts and cultural programmes, and various online activities. As in the past 60 years, the Hong Kong Public Libraries is delighted to travel around the world of words and books with Hong Kong people. Let reading and life nourish each other as “Life / LIBRARY” entwined.

“READiscovery / LIBRARY” Interactive Multimedia Exhibition

The exhibition, comprising six zones, combines arts and technology to review the changes in libraries at different times and introduce libraries' diversified resources and services.

"Joyful Good Read" Online Reading Club

Local authors Miha and Yi Shu will share how reading relates to everyday life and interact with readers online in live sessions. (In Cantonese)

“READiscovery / LIBRARY” Photo Exhibition

The photographers have captured the various libraries' decoration, environment, facilities and so forth with their unique lenses, presenting the libraries from particular angles. 

60 Book Bites for Life

In the boxes are 60 problems about life. Unlid the boxes to uncover the clues, which are quotes from books. (Content in Chinese only)

Parent-child Paired Reading Activities

There are various storytelling performances, parent-child story theatre and interactive story workshops, allowing parents and children to share the joy of reading.

More fabulous programmes

The Hong Kong Library Festival offers many other activities online and offline, such as talks, workshops and storytelling sessions. Please click here for details.