我在包裡放本書:能幹的人、聰明的人、有自信的人,都怎麼看書? あたりまえだけどなかなかできない:読書習慣のルール

By 松本幸夫, 劉錦秀

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By 權載喜, 陳怡妡

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If you love books, you could be...

By Elizabeth Dennis, Natalie Kwee

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When I was young, my friends and I always dreamed what our future careers would be. Some of them would like to be a lawyer, doctor or teacher, etc. I, however, thought they were not my cup of tea and sought the valuable guidance from one of my respectful teachers...

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Larry gets lost in the library

By John Skewes, Eric Ode

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“Larry Gets Lost in the Library” is an interesting children’s book written by Eric Ode and illustrated by John Skewes. The story follows the adventures of a curious dog named Larry who wanders the labyrinth of shelves in a large library. It is not only fun...

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Reader, come home: the reading brain in a digital world

By Maryanne Wolf, Catherine Stoodley

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Do you remember when the last time you read and thought deeply and focally was?  Reading the book “Reader, Come Home: The Reading Brain in a Digital World” can be used as a test of our “concentration” and “deep reading ability”. Combining rigorous science...

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Why I read: the serious pleasure of books

By Wendy Lesser

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Even in this fast-paced lifestyle that technology has brought us, some people still have a passion for serious reading.  In this book, you could see the love of the author, Wendy Lesser to reading, or more exactly, to reading literature and the joy that books bring her...

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