
By 維吉爾・希利爾(Virgil Mores Hillyer), 李爽, 朱玲

Read now: Printed book

Place of Publication: 新北市
Publisher: 小樹文化
Year: 2018


By 蘇萬興

Read now: Printed booke-Book
Place of Publication: 香港
Publisher: 中華書局(香港)有限公司
Year: 2020


By 朱光潛

Read now: Printed booke-Book
Place of Publication: 香港
Publisher: 三聯
Year: 2003

築覺:閱讀香港建築 Arch・touch

By 建築遊人, 陳潤智

Read now: Printed booke-Book
Place of Publication: 香港
Publisher: 三聯書店(香港)有限公司
Year: 2019


百年色辭典:一次掌握色彩流行史、設計代表作、配色靈感,打造出最吸睛與富品味的美感色彩 100 years of colour

By 凱蒂・葛林伍德(Katie Greenwood), 呂奕欣

Read now: Printed book 
Place of Publication: 台北市
Publisher: 漫遊者文化事業股份有限公司
Year: 2016


By 王澤

Read now: Printed book

Place of Publication: 台北市
Publisher: 老夫子哈媒體股份有限公司
Year: 2020


By 蘿西・狄金絲(Rosie Dickins), 莎拉・克勞德(Sarah Courtauld), 江坤山

Read now: Printed book

Place of Publication: 台北市
Publisher: 遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司
Year: 2014

童話夢工場・ 6,拇指姑娘與豆丁王子

By 耿啟文, 貓十字

Read now: Printed book

Place of Publication: 香港
Publisher: 創造館
Year: 2017

Charlie and the chocolate factory

By Roald Dahl

Read now: Printed book
Place of Publication: London
Publisher: Puffin Books
Year: 2010

Dr. Seuss’s horse museum

By Dr. Seuss, Andrew Joyner

Read now: Printed book
Place of Publication: New York
Publisher: Random House
Year: 2019

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