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Do you know how toxic your body is? Can you imagine you are surrounded by numerous toxins, either in the daily items you use, your living environment or even generated from your emotions……
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When kids see a dog on the street, they often excitedly ask, 'Wow, that dog is so cute! Can I pet it?' However, before you consider bringing a dog into your life……
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Worthy Stokes是一位靜心導師兼作家,活躍於專注臨在與關係神經科學兩大領域。她認為,要聽見自己內心的聲音,就必須靜下來及放慢腳步,找出改變的力量,以了解自我的真正需要……
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花園城市或類似的概念近年已成為各個地區的熱門討論課題。《打造花園城市:全球之最 綠建築》這本書結集了新穎的建築形式、設計方案及空間應用……
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