價值領導 勇敢決策:領導的素質決定企業的生命力與決策力

By 古倫神父(Anselm Grun), 鄭玉英

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By 平井正修, 葉廷昭

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Be a speech detective

By Linda Barghoorn

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Oral History is about collecting and studying historical information using tape recordings of interviewees with their knowledge of past events. But how can we teach young readers about oral history in simple and exciting ways? This book aims to...

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Faith: five religions and what they share

By Richard Steckel, Michele Steckel

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What is faith? Something you cannot see, you cannot touch, but it does affect everything you see and feel. It also affects how you interpret the world and the actions of other people. This is a book to provide a brief overview of...

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Is nothing something? : kids' questions and zen answers about life, death, family, friendship, and everything in between

By Thich Nhat Hanh, Jessica McClure

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“Why does the world exist?”, “What does God look like?”, “Why is my brother always so nasty towards me?” I still remember that my children always kept asking me such challenging questions during their childhood. I wish I had read the book...

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What is oral history?

By Xina M. Uhl

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Have you ever told a story or experience to others before? Sources of history can be categorized into three types, which are primary, secondary and tertiary sources. Historians can use different techniques to collect different sources...

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Who believes what? : exploring the world's major religions

By Anna Wills, Nora Tomm

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Every religion provides a unique way and unique solutions, to help people to find answers to life’s questions. What is correct and what is incorrect? What purpose does life serve? How shall I survive? The book introduces five main religions...

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A drop in drought: memories of Hong Kong water rationing in the 1960s 點滴皆辛苦:六十年代香港制水故事

By Shao Wanxin, Tse Wing Lam(邵琬欣,謝穎琳)

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“A drop in drought : memories of Hong Kong water rationing in the 1960s = 點滴皆辛苦 : 六十年代香港制水故事” is based on the experiences shared by the interviewees. Water is essential to all species on the Earth. Nowadays, we have different measures...

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Dream big: 8 life lessons from Nick's adventure every child cannot miss

By Ignatius Ho & Ding, Dreamergo

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This book is written about an extraordinary man who is called Nick Vujicic. He was born without arms and legs. He grew up in Australia. It is not surprising that Nick’s life is not going smoothly and easily. When he was young, he was upset by...

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North Point, Hong Kong: oral history 北角,香港:口述歷史

By Amy Pang, Tara Chan 歷史研究及撰文:彭綽婷;編輯:陳滌樺

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Nestled in the busy area on Hong Kong Island, North Point is a unique neighbourhood. Eight interviewees shared their living memories about relics of the past and the hidden gems in the community by oral storytelling. After the Second World War...

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