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每當聽到「古典音樂」四個字,不知道大家會聯想到什麼呢? 可能有不少人會有「好聽呀,但聽不明白」、「好像很優雅,但又很深奧」的感覺。的確,筆者身邊也有不少朋友有興趣認識古典音樂,但卻不知道該如何開始。古典音樂有三百多年的歷史......
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為什麼傷心的人要聽慢歌:從情歌、舞曲到藍調,樂音如何牽動你我的行為 The world in six songs: how the musical brain created human nature
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Just weeks ago, I came across a random post on the internet. A nine-year-old moaned: “How is it possible for you to mix up Rosé and Jisoo, mom!” The mother was speechless. It made me smile because I used to find it hard to identify those two girls...
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If you like music, you might want to do something around music for a living. When most people think of careers in music, singers and performers are probably on top of mind. There are actually a lot more career options in the vast music industry, not all of them involve performing...
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Playing drums is much harder than it looks. I was lucky to have been behind a drum set several times and learned to “play”, only to find out how bad my limb coordination is. Based on a true story, this book is about a little girl who wants to become a drummer despite cultural obstacles...
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With his expertise in cultural heritage conservation, Ken Nicolson has been endeavoring to share with people the concept of cultural landscape that is the key to conserving Hong Kong’s heritage sites effectively. With his expertise in cultural heritage conservation...
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Good music never gets old. When I was a kid, the adults around me played different kinds of music, Paula Tsui, George Lam, the Carpenters, Boney M, ABBA, Billy Joel, Queen, Bee Gees, among others. Now I am quite old, and still enjoy good music...